A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate on the
north side of the highway from Leeds to
Barwick-in-Elmet, from which it is approached
by a short accommodation road bounded on the
north and east by property of Mr Bryer, and
on the south by the property of Miss Porter,
and comprising a Corn Grinding Mill six
stories (sic) in height (formerly a
windmill), with engine- house adjoining,
together with the cottage occupied by the
miller, a two-stall stable and loose box with
granary over, pig cotes, and minor
outbuildings. The machinery comprises a 14
h.p. vertical engine, a boiler 14ft. by 3ft.
6 in., shafting, hoist, four pairs of stones
(two French and two grey), corn crusher, etc.
The mill does a good trade, and the sale
offers an excellent opportunity to anyone
desiring to continue the business carried on
by the late Mrs Burland. |