The Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Celebration Medal 1897
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The Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Celebration Medal 1897
from The Barwicker No. 77

The above picture is of a medal specially
made for Arthur Chippindale in 1897 for
distribution to each of the boys in Scholes
village in celebration of Queen Victoria's
Diamond Jubilee. (There is also a brooch with a
V in the centre for the girls but no picture
exists of this.)
Arthur Chippindale was a member of the
family which established the brickyard in Scholes
in 1877 and which supplied bricks for the houses
in Scholes and surrounding villages.
I found the information regarding the
medals whilst I was researching the history of
Ashfield House (see 'The Barwicker' No. 61). I
saw the picture of the old brickyard in the
Skyrack feature 'Scenes from the County' (13
April 1984). The picture had been sent to the
newspaper late Mr A Kenneth Chippindale who resided in Canada but had an
interest in this area. When I saw the picture I noticed that
Ashfield was shown in the background of the photograph and wrote
to Mr Chippindale to gather more information. He very kindly
forwarded more including information concerning the above medal.
During research into the book on Scholes village by the Women's
Institute (Scholes is our Village, 1984) I passed on the
information regarding the medal. I also approached a lady whose
family had lived in the village for generations - Mrs Annie Cullen
neé Wetherall - who remembered seeing a medal but said that it
would probably be lost at this time. However, my interest in the
medal had encouraged her to search further and we were fortunate
in that she eventually located the actual medal in her button box!
The enlarged reproduction below is of that medal. The actual size
is only that of a new penny.
The face side shows Queen Victoria in the centre surrounded by
(starting at the top and going clockwise) the Emperor Frederick
and Empress of Germany, Alfred Duke of Edinburgh with the Duchess,
Prince Henry of Battenburg with Princess Beatrice, and Prince
Louis of Hess with Princess Alice.
The reverse face shows the Prince and Princess of Wales in the
centre surrounded by (starting at the top and going clockwise) the
Duke and Duchess of York, the Marquis of Lome with Princess
Louise, the Duke and Duchess of Albany, the Duke and Duchess of
Connaught, and Prince Christian with Princess Helena.
It would be interesting to know how many of these medals have
survived - or if anyone has details of the brooch given to the
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