The Circuit of Scholes Manor |
"The Circuite of Scoles beginneth in the East at a place called the Milne gate leading upon the South to a common called Barmebowe Carre by a close in the occupation of Denese Brayme; from which there is a hedge which leadeth by Barnbowe carre unto Scoles South field gate and so turneth upon the South part of the said Carre thro' part of a close called Mabwell close in the occupation of John Gascoigne Esquire; and so along on the west side buttings of the grounds of the said John Gascoigne to the River Cock on the South; And so leading up by the said River to a ponde in the little Stankes; and then turneth westwards butting upon the Groundes of William Mallinerre Esquire in Manston to a parcel of Scoles Moore. And from there to the Corner of the Speightleyes on the west butting upon the highe Street from York to Leeds; And so Northward alonge by the hedge of Scoles Parke butting upon the outwood to the west end of Scholes being full west from Scoles. And so along northwarde by the side of Scoles outwood to the rakehill on the north. And from there eastward by the close called Oaken-heade in the tenure of Martin Settle and Berwick Cornefielde to the aforesaid Milnegate on the East." |
"There lieth within the said Mannor of Scoles one Wood called and knowne by the name of Scoles Outwood, the herbage thereof is common to the tenants of her Majesty's said Mannors of Berwick and Scholes; and there is no profit to be made of the underwoods." |
"John Gascoigne of Barmebowe in the County of York. esq., holdeth one capital messuage in Lazingcrofte with divers landes antiently belonging in Free Socage to him and his heirs for ever and payeth yearly to the Queen pound of pepper or 12d. and foreign service." |
"There lyeth within the said manor of Scoles divers Cole-mynes upon Wynmoor in the tenure and occupation of Thomas Mather of Seacroft, gent., but what rent or to whom payeth we knowe not and by what estat he holdeth the same we knowe not." |