The Barwick And Scholes Probus Club
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The Barwick And Scholes Probus Club
Barwicker No.42
June 1996
On 30 November 1976, a small number of retired gentlemen were called to a
meeting at the John Riley Community Centre, Barwick, with a suggestion of forming a
Probus Club in this area. Mr Lennox Simpson, a retired governor of Armley Prison,
Leeds, and Mr George Greenwood of Crossgates Rotary Club spoke on the merits of a
club with simple rules and many attractions.
It was decided to form a Probus Club and under the presidency of Mr Clifford
Hawden, a retired magistrate, a committee was established and the founder members,
only four of whom are still living, went away to recruit further members. The Club
grew quickly in size and worked successfully. Speakers were invited and gave good and
interesting talks and slide shows.
Many people still ask what does PROBUS mean. It is an off-shoot of Rotary and the
name is taken from the first three letters of PROfessional and BUSiness. It is a club for
retired professional and business men in the locality, hence the Barwick and Scholes
Probus Club.
We meet on the last Tuesday of each month around 10.15 am for coffee and an
informal gathering of "How are you?", "Do you remember?" greetings. At 10.30 we
proceed in the correct manner to open the meeting by the President. The Secretary
reads the minutes of the last meeting and these are accepted. The Treasurer tells us how
we stand financially. We then discuss items of general interest. It may be a funeral of a
departed member or to plan an outing for lunch, including wives, or perhaps to some
place of local interest.
These items complete, the formal part is ended and a speaker is welcomed by the
President. We may have a talk with slides or some descriptive experience. Over the
years we have had some splendid speakers and learned many things in detail. If a
planned speaker has to cancel we call upon our members to fill the gap and what a
wealth of talent and experience we find amongst us. Question time shows what an
enquiring mind is still alive in the 'old uns'. A vote of thanks brings an end to our
morning and the President closes the meeting.
As time progressed after the club's formation, it was suggested that we had outings
with ladies invited. This was put into practice. Over the years we have had some
enjoyable times together. Perhaps the most exciting outing took place in the early
years. We went by coach to Bedale for coffee and then on to Castle Bolton at Redmire
above Leyburn. We had a first class meal in the ancient 'Baronial Hall' and enjoyed the
long distance views of the hills and valleys when seen from the vicinity of this partly
ruined fortified pile.
We proceeded to the Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle, looked round this very
beautiful building and returned to our coach for the return journey. A call for a cup of tea
was made but our driver said his driving time was getting short. Away we went and the
driver with good intent took a 'short cut'. This was down a very steep hill with an acute
hairpin bend, ending at a bridge limited to small vehicles. Consternation' There was no
way of turning the coach round so it was necessary to reverse it up the hill and its tight
bend. Silence on the coach with the occasional gasp! Our driver had done an excellent
job and got us all safely to the top to the relief of everyone. It was exciting and after we had
settled down we agreed that the experience had 'made the day'. We have had many
outings since then and manage two a year if the necessary support is given.
A 'Christmas Dinner' is a feature of our club but as so many of our members have to
attend their previous employment's dinners at Christmas time we have postponed our
outing until March. A venue which we hope will please everyone is selected and
members, wives and widows of deceased Probus members make the chosen visit. This is
how our social activities fit into our curriculum. A bowls match is arranged once a year
with a local Probus Club.
Our membership grew to 40 and we decided to set a limit at 50. Later that was
increased but sadly we are down to 45 now. So many of our members have died or had to
leave for health reasons. Only one founder member is regularly attending. New members
are cordially invited.
Our recent activities include a visit to a helicopter station and we have had a visit to
York and a sail up the river to Acaster for lunch and back to York for the coach return.
The committee try to find something that will appeal to all and the ladies enjoy
themselves and appreciate these opportunities to get together.
We meet in the excellent, well-appointed John Rylie Community Centre in Barwick.
Any intending retiring or retired local man interested in Probus should contact a present
member and come as a guest. If he is impressed, we have some vacant places to fill. The
formalities are minimal and admission could be arranged next month.
We do not work for charities as the Rotary Club does. We are an informal 'get
together' organisation for friendship and enjoyment. At Christmas time we do dispose of
our surplus contributions to local good causes which we feel need help. Thus we keep our
Rotary affiliation in a small way. It is a privilege to belong to such a friendly party.
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