'Come and let yourselves be built as living stones into a spiritual
temple ... 10 offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus
Christ.' ( 1 Peter 2: 4). |
'Christ Jesus himself is the foundation stone. In him the whole building is bonded together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord.' (Ephesians 2: 20) |
'a little fire is made on each of the crosses. Five pieces of incense are put on each cross and on the lumps of incense a cross is made of thin wax tapes, which is lighted at the four ends. When the fire is burnt out the ashes are scraped away with a wooden spatula with the melted incense running into the incisions where they dry.' |
And in a bottle had he some pig's bones. For in his bag he had a pillow-case Of which he said, it was Our True Lady's veil: He said he had a piece of the very sail That good Saint Peter had, on time he sailed Upon the sea, till Jesus him had hailed. He had a latten cross set full of stones, But with these relics, when he found on ride Some simple parson dwelling in the countryside, In that one day gathered more money Than the parson in two months, that easy. And thus, with flattery and equal japes, He made the parson and the rest his apes. |
'and later kings replaced this seat by another in the vicinity of Loidis. The stone altar of this church survived the fire and is preserved in the monastery that lies in Elmet Wood and is ruled by the most reverend priest and abbot Thrydwulf ' |