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Parish Magazine extracts from 1904

Barwicker No.5
March 1987

JUNE 1904

On Whit-Tuesday our Maypole was raised after its triennial painting and decoration, and the village has once again one of its chief attractions. There was an enormous crowd of people that watched the complicated and rather dangerous process of getting the pole into its place, with very great interest. It was well too, that all were perfectly orderly, for the least unruliness might have made matters far more difficult. As it was people kept their place quite quietly, and it did not seem that the constables brought into the village for the occasion had to exercise their powers. There was none of the alarm such as was caused last time by a breaking rope, and except for a little hitch which led to the fox on the vane losing his brush, everything went smoothly and well. The Pole-men are to be congratulated on the successful discharge of their very responsible task.

JULY 1904
Barwick Maypole Account 1901-4
The Pole-men, Messrs Amos Dickinson, Fred Gilllam and George Tomlinson have furnished an account of the money received and expended by them during their last period of office. It will be understood that this applies to money collected in 1901, to the painting and raising of the Maypole in that year, and to the lowering of the pole this year.

Receipts £ s d Expenditure £ s d
Rev. F S Colman 1 0 0 Painting Maypole 1901 2 0 0
Sir Thos Peel, Bart. 1 0 0 Garlands, making & repairs 1.10.0 1 10 0
Colonel Gascoigne 1 0 0 Hire of boards for covering Pole while painting 5 0
Mr A.T.Schreiber (the late) 1 0 0 Exhibiting Garlands, hire of Horse etc 13 0
Mr Dockray 10 0 Ropes, Ladders, digging hole 13 0
Mrs Hartley 10 0 Expenses at fixing 1 0 0
Mr Helm 10 0 Band at Gala 1 8 0
Mr Pemberton (the late) 10 0 Rent of field 10 0
Mr Sowry 10 0 Tea for Workers & Friends 2 10 0
Mr Firth 5 0 Music for the Dance 1 0 0
Mr Franklin 5 0 Taking down Maypole 1904 13 0
Mr Lawton 5 0 Committee's expenses 1 0 0
Mr Tankard 5 0 Balance carried forward to next account 15 0
Smaller sums 3 4 10
Collected at raising on Whit Tuesday 1901 3 4 2
£14 4 0 £14 4 0
Amos Dick1nson
Fred Gilliam
George Tomlinson

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