Making the maypole garlands
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Making the Maypole Garlands
Barwicker No. 5
March 1987
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The garland's basic frame | The garlands in procession 1966 |
I came to the village of Barwick in 1942 and right from the
start became involved in the Maypole celebrations, and over the
years I have enjoyed every minute; it gets into your blood.
I was shown how to make the garlands by my mother-in-law,
Mrs Wall, from an old local family who had long carried on the
village traditions. Barwick was then a much smaller place and the
garlands were made by just a few families in their cottages.
As soon as the maypole is taken down on every third Easter
Monday, the making of the new garlands begins. Each has a steel
frame thus. First this is wrapped in silk stockings followed by a
hessian cover, both inside and outside. The
rosettes are made from silk or cotton material cut
into strips 8ins long by 2ins in width and each
strip is then made into a rose, 1500 rosettes in all.
The rosettes are then packed tightly, starting at
the top and working down, with no spaces. The
same is done on the outside. When this is done
white tape is fixed inside the garland to which
is attached 48 Red, White and Blue ribbons, placed
anti-clockwise and finished with 48 Bells neatly
sewn on to the ends of the ribbons. When this is done, the ribbons
should measure l4ins in depth all the way round. Then inside the
garland, a basket of artificial flowers is suspended.
When the four garlands are ready, they are taken round the
villages by members of the Maypole Committee for all to see.
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