'I most humbly beg your Grace, for God'
sake, and his Churches, to consider this motion,
which I do make onto your Grace, concerning the
Deanery of York now vacant, the Dean being struck
dead suddenly. One John Scot has procured a
letter from his Majesty to be his Coadjutor
(Dean). My motion is not for any man in
particular, but against Doctor Scot, that he may
not be promoted to this place being sixth or
seventh place of preferment Ecclesiastical within
this kingdom, but your Grace would be pleased to
remove Doctor White or Doctor Hall or whom your
Grace shall please unto this great Deanery, and
bestow the lesser Deanery (far above his merits)
upon him. For these reasons:
- I know that he hath sold away all his Livings which he has had in this Church, and hath at this day never an one.
- I am creditably informed, he oweth £5000 at the least. A vast summe for a poor Scholar, and too much to be got up in a poor church. And most of this money in York.
- I know he is a great gamester, and of no fitting conversation for a Church-man; But of very mean parts, either of learning or of
- government.
- I am certified at this time that he is man often overseen in drink; but this I do not know.